API Partners

Available Here


HTTP Method: GET

URL: https://www.aplos.com/hermes/api/v1/partners/verify


  • api-client-id: [ACCOUNT ID]
    The Aplos account (organization) for which you are verifying access


  • Authorization = Bearer: [ACCESS TOKEN]
    The access token obtained via the authentication resource.

Example JSON (Authorized):

  "version": "v2_0_1",
  "status": 200,
  "data": {
    "partner_verification": {
      "aplos_account_id": "[ACCOUNT ID]",
      "authorized": true

Example JSON (Unauthorized):

  "version": "v2_0_1",
  "status": 422,
  "data": {
    "partner_verification": {
      "aplos_account_id": "[ACCOUNT ID]",
      "authorized": false
  "exception": {
    "message": "Client is not authorized to access the given account.",
    "code": 1006

Create Your Aplos Account

Must include min. 8 characters and 3 of the following: upper case letter, lower case letter, number, symbol
What day of the month is it (e.g. 31)?

By creating your Aplos account, you are agreeing to our
Terms and Conditions.